Integrating neuroscience and wisdom traditions to support your healing
Whatever awakens you to your alchemist…
is the elixir you need
-Iva Kenaz

You’ve found yourself here because…..
you are seeking something different, something more
you don’t fully know that which you are seeking, but you know that what you’ve been experiencing isn’t quite it. Or, you may know exactly that which you are seeking; a space of deep holding for you to be seen, to experience connection which offers a depth of compassion so profound it facilitates your deepest healing, someone to hold the lantern, illuminating the path before you. Someone who believes inherently in your wholeness and goodness.
My offering to you is one of commitment to myself to be diligent in tending to my own healing, facing the shadows that need my compassionate light, so that I may be continuously developing more capacity to hold space with you from a place of clarity, curiosity, and compassion. To trust in your inherent wisdom and wholeness, understanding that I am simply a guide making the commitment to be present with you for this part of your journey. Respecting that you are the authority in your life, and I am someone you are trusting to illuminate the shadows along your path, inviting you into those depths where your most precious jewels lie waitng for you to claim.
If this stirs your own knowing, if you’re curious to know how these offerings may enrich your life, if you are feeling a resounding YES…..welcome to the next phase of your journey.

Time with me
Let’s walk this path together….
In person in
Boulder, CO
11o5 Spruce Street, 3rd Floor
Boulder, CO 80302